Writing, Editing, and Proofreading


I’ve been called nitpicky, fussy, and several synonyms for nitpicky and fussy—and I’m proud of it! (A coworker of mine once said, “If you were a superhero, you’d be The Proofreader.” That was a good day.)

I’ll review your fiction, non-fiction, work documents, website text, or emails for grammar, spelling, punctuation, adherence to your company’s or publication’s style sheet, and any other things you want improved. If it has words on it, let me make it perfect before you send it out into the world.

General Editing

Proofreading plus more substantial suggestions can improve your writing’s accuracy, clarity, and audience-appropriateness. Your writing will still sound like you—you can take or leave any of my suggestions, but I guarantee you will like many of them.


I will craft articles and blog posts to your specifications, which can include:

  • Research
  • Interviewing sources (to yield original quotes)
  • Ghostwriting (with or without “as told to” byline)
  • Shooting original photos or making suggestions from stock photography sites

See my Published Work page for examples.

Get Started

Contact me today to discuss your project!